There are many instances in the gospel where people despite opposition brought their sick to Jesus to have them healed. The centurion came for his servant, who was too ill to travel. Jairus came for his daughter, and and also that unnamed woman came for her daughter. It is certainly a very strong lesson about how our prayers of intercession can benefit others.
Later down the centuries St Monica prayed for nearly twenty years for Augustine her son to turn away from the high life.
I personally know one lady who said a Rosary every single day for twenty-three years for a brother of hers who was an alcoholic. The most impressive part of this is that her brother, who is now sober, never knew this, until I told him. He was so ashamed and and grateful for her persistent faith and love
Praying for others can be real love in action but needs massive doses of perseverance, patience and faith.
Jack Mc Ardle
And that's the Gospel truth